Abstract. Donor brain death has been considered a significant risk factor for both early and late organ allograft dysfunction. This central injury not only evokes an upsurge of catecholamines with resultant peripheral tissue vasoconstriction and ischemia but also promotes release of hormones and inflammatory mediators that may also affect the organs directly. One of the resultant influences of these events is the rapid upregulation of the acute-phase adhesion molecules, the selectins. These initiate leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelium and trigger subsequent cellular and molecular changes in the compromised tissues. An established F344 3 LEW rat model of chronic rejection was used to examine (1) whether the initial inflammatory events that develop within kidney allografts from brain-dead donors could be normalized using a recombinant soluble form of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand and (2) whether amelioration of these early changes would alter the inexorable progression of chronic allograft rejection. Untreated living donor controls experienced unrelenting chronic rejection over time. This complex process was accelerated in brain-dead donor kidneys. Treatment with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand prevented the early inflammatory changes in the transplanted organs and their subsequent (200 d) functional and morphologic manifestations, particularly when the soluble ligand was administered both to the donor before organ removal and to the recipient after engraftment. This strategy of using a naturally occurring selectin ligand to prevent donor-associated chronic graft dysfunction may be of special clinical interest in cadaver donor transplantation.The clinical findings that kidneys from living unrelated donors perform as well over the short and long term as those from living related sources and that grafts from both donor groups are invariably superior to those from cadavers have emphasized that antigen-independent events, which include increased donor age and intercurrent disease, the state of brain death, and the period of ischemia, influence the quality of solid organs after transplantation and are important risk factors for their eventual outcome (1,2). Brain death, a central catastrophe unique to the cadaver organ donor, produces profound physiologic and structural derangements in the peripheral tissues of experimental animals both before and after placement in the recipient (3,4). These include massive upregulation of major histocompatibility antigens, adhesion molecules, cytokines, and other acute-phase proteins. Ischemia with systemic vasoconstriction is an important facet of brain death, secondary to the initial burst of catecholamines released into the circulation (5). The early injury and the associated reperfusion after transplantation evoke nonspecific inflammatory changes in the affected organs. However, additional factors may contribute to the peripheral effects of brain injury. Important changes in the dynamics of a series of hormones have been identified (6,7). Because brain death may also influ...