This work presents a geological 1:50.000 mapping survey for the Rio Tinto region, located in the coastal zone of Paraíba Basin, Miriri Sub-bacia. The mapping was supported by interpretation of satellite imagery, analysis of well lithologs, thin sections, and morphometric patterns. Basement rocks outcrops in approximately 10% of the study area, represented by Neoproterozoic granitoids. About 90% of the region is covered by Miocene-Pleistocene deposits and Quaternary sediments of the Barreiras, post-Barreiras formations, and coastal sandy and mangrove sediments, Pleistocene terraces, and Holocene eluvial-colluvial sediments. Analysis of cartography data and radar images showed that the relief is dominated by small plateaus and valleys formed by the Quaternary erosion of Barreiras Formation deposits, controlled by reactivation of the structural framework of the coastal zone. The Mamanguape River follows the homonymous fault, which trends ENE-WSW. The secondary drainage is also controlled by faults trending ENE-WSW, NW-SE, and N-S. Correlation of lithologs showed the occurrence of grabens and horsts formed during the late structural evolution of the coastal zone of the basin.