“…These biozones represent the last assemblage of the Marjumaniid F I G U R E 1 Paleogeographic reconstruction of the Earth during the late Cambrian (after Blakey and Wong (2003) and Blakey (2008)) depicting locations where the SPICE event has been documented: Northern Laurentia (Saltzman et al, 1998; Southern Laurentia (Cowan et al, 2005;Gerhardt & Gill, 2016;Glumac, 2011;Glumac & Walker, 1998;Hurtgen et al, 2009;Perfetta et al, 1999;Schiffbauer et al, 2017); Baltica (Ahlberg et al, 2009;Gill et al, 2011;Hammer & Svensen, 2017); Australia Lindsay et al, 2005;Saltzman et al, 2000;Schmid et al, 2018); Siberia (Kouchinsky et al, 2008); North China (Bagnoli et al, 2014;Chen, Chough, Lee, & Han, 2012;Ng, Yuan, & Lin, 2014;Zhu et al, 2004); South China (Li et al, 2018;Saltzman et al, 2000); Northwest China (Liu et al, 2017); South Korea (Lim, Chung, Park, & Lee, 2015); Precordillera (Sial et al, 2008); Armorica (Álvaro, Bauluz, Subías, Pierre, & Vizcaïno, 2008); Avalonia (Woods et al, 2011); and Kazakhstan (Saltzman et al, 2000;Wotte & Strauss, 2015). White circles represent studies documenting the SPICE in δ 13 C records, and black stars indicate localities where both carbon and sulfur (δ 34 S) isotopic records have been generated.…”