Ad spending in the Asia-Pacific region is estimated to have reached $210.43 billion in 2018, or 33.5% of worldwide ad spending (McNair 2018). The importance of Asian markets and the uniqueness of cultures in Asia have attracted significant research attention. Even though this body of research thus far has contributed to our initial knowledge of advertising in Asia, the question of how advertising works in Asia remains relatively underexplored, such that many complex distinctions and unique elements have not been discovered or documented in a systematic and comprehensive manner. As most advertising theories have been developed in the West, scholars are often challenged to find strong support for them when they are applied to phenomena in Asia. Without a systematic effort to cultivate pertinent theories applicable to different sociocultural economic settings, we are left with only broad notions of how advertising works in Asia. It was with these notions in mind that we embarked on this special issue for the Journal of Advertising.