Many emergencies and crises threaten the whole world. These affect not only the lives, health, and property of citizens but also the subjects and elements of the critical infrastructure itself. Breaking the critical infrastructure system would have a severe impact on the state's security, securing the basic living needs of the population, the health of the people, or the economy of the country. One of the significant sectors of the critical infrastructure is undoubtedly healthcare. It is vital for the health service to be able to perform its function, even in times of crisis. The crisis of naturogenic character ordinarily has the so-called cascade effect, which causes other extraordinary events and crises. An example of this may be windstorm, resulting in a power outage. A significant impact of the power supply outage in healthcare is observed in hospitals. There is currently no assessment tool to set the hospital's readiness for a power outage. The aim of the chapter is to analyze the current state of the crisis preparedness of the hospital.