The Futures Cone, a prominent model in design futuring, is useful for promoting discussions about possible, plausible, probable, and preferable futures. Yet this model has limitations, such as representing diverse human experiences as a singular point of "the present" and implicitly embedding notions of linear progress. Responding to this, we argue that a plurality of perspectives is needed to engage imaginations that depict a diverse unfolding of potential futures. Through refecting on our own cultural and professional backgrounds, we ofer fve perspectives for design futuring as a contribution to this plurality: Parallel Presents, "I Am Time", Epithelial Metaphors, the Uncertainties Cone, and Meet (with) "Speculation". These perspectives open alternative approaches to design futuring, move outside prevalent notions of technological progress, and foreground interdependent, relational agencies.
CCS CONCEPTS• Human-centered computing → Human computer interaction (HCI); HCI theory, concepts and models.