To investigate the origins of the warm absorbers in active galactic nuclei (AGNs), we study the ionizationstate structure of the radiation-driven fountain model in a low-mass AGN (Wada et al. 2016) and calculate the predicted X-ray spectra, utilizing the spectral synthesis code Cloudy (Ferland et al. 2017). The spectra show many absorption and emission line features originated in the outflowing ionized gas. The O VIII 0.654 keV lines are produced mainly in the polar region much closer to the SMBH than the optical narrow line regions. The absorption measure distribution of the ionization parameter (ξ) at a low inclination spreads over 4 orders of magnitude in ξ, indicating multi-phase ionization structure of the outflow, as actually observed in many type-1 AGNs. We compare our simulated spectra with the high energy-resolution spectrum of the narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy, NGC 4051. The model reproduces slowly outflowing (a few hundreds km s −1 ) warm absorbers. However, the faster components with a few thousands km s −1 observed in NGC 4051 are not reproduced. The simulation also underproduces the intensity and width of the O VIII 0.654 keV line. These results suggest that the ionized gas launched from sub-parsec or smaller regions inside the torus, which are not included in the current fountain model, must be important ingredients of the warm absorbers with a few thousands km s −1 . The model also consistently explains the Chandra/HETG spectrum of the Seyfert 2 galaxy, the Circinus galaxy.