In this paper we prove the existence of a natural mapping from the surgery exact sequence for topological manifolds to the analytic surgery exact sequence of N. Higson and J. Roe. This generalizes the fundamental result of Higson and Roe, but in the treatment given by Piazza and Schick, from smooth manifolds to topological manifolds. Crucial to our treatment is the Lipschitz signature operator of Teleman.We also give a generalization to the equivariant setting of the product defined by Siegel in his Ph.D. thesis. Geometric applications are given to stability results for rho classes. We also obtain a proof of the APS delocalised index theorem on odd dimensional manifolds, both for the spin Dirac operator and the signature operator, thus extending to odd dimensions the results of Piazza and Schick. Consequently, we are able to discuss the mapping of the surgery sequence in all dimensions.
Signature operator on Lipschitz manifoldsWe start recalling fundamental results on Lipschitz manifolds. For further details we refer to [26,27,8,25,30].Definition 2.1. A Lipschitz atlas on a topological manifold M is an atlas such that the map ϕ • ψ −1 is a Lipschitz homeomorphism for any two charts ϕ : U → R n and ψ : V → R n . By definition a Lipschitz manifold structure on M is a maximal Lipschitz atlas.