This annex provides values of absorbed fractions (AFs) for the calculation of absorbed dose using the methods described in Section 7.3. As this publication provides dose values for a limited number of illustrative cases, only AFs used in these calculations are given here. Data for all source and target pairs, and for all age groups and both genders, will be given in future reports. (F2) For electrons, AFs have been computed using the Monte Carlo N-Particle General Purpose Code (MCNP) together with the geometric models for each region of the alimentary tract described in Section 7.2. The AFs are given in Table F.1 and are shown graphically for illustrative purposes only (Figs. F.1-F.5). Target regions referred to as 'wall' are more explicitly the target epithelial stem cell layers in each region. (F3) The MCNP provides an estimated relative error (standard deviation divided by the mean) for each computed AF. In general, these errors are much less than 1%, and they are about 1% in a few cases. This error in AF is judged to be acceptable. It should be noted, however, that these errors do not include errors due to the approximations inherent in the use of stylised morphometric models (Section 7.2) to represent sections of the human alimentary tract nor in the transport algorithms themselves. (F4) AFs for alpha particles are zero for all of the lumen source regions of the HATM (i.e. the 'contents' regions) due to the depth of the target cells in relation to the range of an alpha particle in tissue (Section 7.3.4). AFs for sources in the walls of regions will generally not be zero. An example is given in Section 7.3.4 for the wall of the small intestine and applied to retention of 239 Pu in neonates in Section 8.2.3. With the exception of this example, AFs for alpha emitters are not used in this report and are not given in this annex. Results for all 'wall' source regions will be given in future reports.