The labile crosslinks (herein called "liaisons"), involving noncovalent and/or reversible covalent interactions, that arise between polymer chains when they come into contact, play an important part in the solution behavior of water-soluble polymers. Three cases are discussed in this paper: (1) a simple homopolymer alone in solution, where intrachain liaisons are the so-called "long-range interactions" which influence the conformational size of the molecule; (2) copolymers with a minor content of a comonomer unit which associates by hydrophobic or other interactions, where the application of liaison theory to two types of hydrophobically-associating copolymers -poly(vinyl acetate-co-vinyl alcohol), and alkyl-substituted hydroxyethylcellulose -leads to the establishment of a scale of free energies of hydrophobic-bonding between alkyl chains which is linear with chain length for the range n = 1 to 16; (3) cosolute-binding systems, where extra liaisons may arise from associations between the bound cosolute molecules.The aim of this paper is to show how the behavior of water-soluble polymers -especially their conformational size, their precipitability and phase-separation behavior, and their rheology -is affected by the labile crosslinks that arise between their chains when they come into contact. For convenience and brevity, these labile crosslinks will be called liaisons throughout the rest of the paper.
Characteristics of LiaisonsA liaison is taken to be formed wherever there is a contact either between two distantly-connected parts of the same polymer chain ("intrachain") or between parts of two different polymer chains