Abstract.We present a uni:f1edapproach to and a generalization of almost all known recursion schemes concerning B-spline functions. This indudes formulas for the computation of a B-spline's values, its derivatives (ordinary and partial), and for a knot insertion method for B-spline curves. Fu~thermore, our generalization allows us to derive interesting new relations for these purposes.
Keywords.B In this paper we would like to present a unified approach to these formulas; we will do this by proving generalized relations for each of the above-mentioned situations: Bspline value recursions in Seetion 2, formulas for a B-spline's derivatives in Seetion 3, and knot insertion in Section 4. Our generalizations do not only coveralmost all formulas. mentioned in the first paragraph as special cases, but they allow also to derive quite .easily some interesting new relations.The approach we are going to present is in all cases based on thevery nice contour integral representation of B-splines (1.2),due to G. Meinardus [Meinardus 1974].