The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic potential of candidate genes involved in egg yield of Noi chicken, a popular backyard chicken breed in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam with limited egg production. A total of 130 hens were individually stalled for daily egg record in 20 weeks. Feather samples were collected for DNA extraction and genotyping was carried out using PCR-RFLP method. Five genes, namely DRD2 (Dopamine receptor 2), IGF-I (Insulin-like growth factor I), NPY (Neuropeptide Y), VIP (Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) and VIPR-1 (Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 1) were used in the present work. It was shown that allele frequencies of DRD2/BseGI, VIP/VspI and VIPR-1/HhaI polymorphisms were of great discrepancy in Noi chicken population and there were significant associations between genotypes and egg numbers (P<0.05). Furthermore, chickens carrying DD (NPY/DraI), CC (VIPR-1/TaqI) and CC (VIPR-1/HhaI) genotypes had highest egg production with 50.9, 49.8 and 50.4 eggs/hen/20 laying weeks, respectively. These results provide an alternative for breeding selection of Noi chicken towards improving egg production.