“…The basin or trough deposits are typically thick deposits of even-bedded gray biomicrite limestone, with nodules and bands of replacement chert and interbedded marls and calcareous turbiOur summary of the sedimentation history of this southern continental margin and fragments of the northern margin is compiled from the following selection of regional reviews-general: Sander (1970), Arkell (1956), Bernoulli andJenkyns (1974), Hsü (1976); Tunisia: Bismuth et al (1967), Busson (1967), Bonnefous (1967), Burollet (1967), Burollet et al (1978), Salaj (1978); Sicily: Jenkyns (1970Jenkyns ( , 1971Jenkyns ( , personal communication, 1979, Patacca et al (1979); Apennines and Tuscany: Bernoulli et al (1979), Kálin et al (1979), Channell et al (1979);Briançonnais, Piemont, Vocontien Basin, andLiguria: Trumpy (1975), M. Moullade (personal communication, 1982), Cotillon (1971;personal communication, 1980), Bourbon (1978Bourbon ( , 1980, Bourbon et al (1975), Bourbon et al (1976);Southern Alps: Gaetani (1975), Ogg (1981a), Winterer and Bosellini (1981), Kàlin and Trumpy (1977). Austria: Hallam (1967), Garrison and Fischer (1969), Garrison (1967), Diersche (1980).…”