Atomic force microscopy was used for the study of two-dimensional J-aggregates monolayer structures of two cyanine dyes with a high-resolution. Two coexisting morphologically different types (i.e. the bilayer rectangular stripes and monolayer curve shaped leaves) were observed for 3,3'-di(γ-sulfopropyl)-4,4',5,5'-dibenzo-9-ethylthiacarbocyanine betaine pyridinium (dye D-1 (пиридиниевая соль 3,3'-ди(γ-сульфопропил)-4,4',5,5'-дибензо-9-этилтиокарбоцианин бетаина, D-1Two-Dimensional J-Aggregate Monolayers of Cyanine Dyes J-агрегатах второго красителя (5,5'-дихлоро-3,3'-дисульфопропилтиацианинат натрия, D-2)