A finite subset S of a closed hyperbolic surface F canonically determines a centered dual decomposition of F : a cell structure with vertex set S, geodesic edges, and 2-cells that are unions of the corresponding Delaunay polygons. Unlike a Delaunay polygon, a centered dual 2-cell Q is not determined by its collection of edge lengths; but together with its combinatorics, these determine an admissible space parametrizing geometric possibilities for the Delaunay cells comprising Q. We illustrate its application by using the centered dual decomposition to extract combinatorial information about the Delaunay tessellation among certain genus-2 surfaces, and with this relate injectivity radius to covering radius here.A finite subset S of a closed hyperbolic surface F canonically determines a Voronoi tessellation V and Delaunay tessellation P , polygonal decompositions of F that are dual in a certain sense. Let us briefly outline this construction. Fix a locally isometric universal covering π : H 2 → F and let S = π −1 (S). The Voronoi tessellation V of H 2 determined by S is a cell complex structure where each x ∈ S determines a polygonal 2-cell V x defined by:x ∈ S, y ∈ S − {x}}, and each point of V (0) is equidistant from at least 3 points of S (see Section 1). The geometric dual to an edge V x ∩ V y of V is the geodesic arc γ xy in H 2 joining x to y, and the set of geometric duals to edges of V is the edge set of the Delaunay tessellation P determined by S. The covering action of π 1 F on H 2 leaves V and P invariant, and these descend to the tessellations V and P of F . P and V are dual in the sense that their edge sets are canonically bijective, as is the vertex set of each with the face set of the other. However, in some cases an edge e = V x ∩ V y of V is not centered (see Definition 3.1): int e does not intersect the geometric dual γ xy ⊂ P to e. We will regard this as a pathology of P , and "fix" it with the centered dual decomposition. Before we outline this construction, here is a sample application of our methods: Theorem 0.1. Let r β = d β /2 > 0, where cosh d β is the real root of x 3 − 14x 2 − 15x − 4. The Delaunay tessellation of a closed, orientable hyperbolic surface F of genus 2 determined by {x} has all edges centered if F has injectivity radius r ≥ r β at x. It is a triangulation unless r = r β and each edge has length d β , in which case it has a single quadrilateral 2-cell.The numerical value of r β is roughly 1.7006, whereas Boröczky's theorem [1] implies a universal upper bound of r α ∼ = 1.7191 on the injectivity radius of a genus-2 hyperbolic surface at a point x (see Lemma 2.3). Example 2.2 describes a surface F α with injectivity radius r α Partially supported by NSF grant DMS-1007175.