This is a pedagogical and extended version of the results published in Refs. [1,2] and presented by the authors in various talks during the last year. We discuss the type II D-branes (both regular and fractional) of the orbifold R 1,5 ⊗ R 4 /Z 2 , we determine their corresponding supergravity solution and show how this can be used to study the properties of N = 2 super YangMills. Supergravity is able to reproduce the perturbative moduli space of the gauge theory, while it does not encode the non-perturbative corrections. The short distance region of space-time, which corresponds to the infrared region of the gauge theory, is excised by an enhançon mechanism, and more states should be included in the low energy effective action in order to enter inside the enhançon and recover the instanton corrections.