Abstract:We report on the radio properties of jets of the following microquasars, as determined from daily multi-frequency monitoring observations with the RATAN-600 radio telescope during 2010-2017: V404 Cyg, SS433, Cyg X-1, GRS1915+105 and LSI+61 • 303. We have detected many giant flares from SS433, a powerful flare from V404 Cyg in June 2015, an active state of Cyg X-1 in 2017 and fifty periodic flares from LSI+61 • 303. We describe the properties of massive ejections based on multi-band (radio, X-ray and γ-ray) studies. The general properties of the light curves are closely connected with the processes of jet formation in microquasars.Keywords: stars; X-ray binary; black hole; microquasars; radio emission; X-ray emission; relativistic jets; synchrotron radiation
Microquasars Studies with the RATAN-600 TelescopeThe bright microquasars GRS1915+105, SS433, Cyg X-1, Cyg X-3, LSI+61 • 303 and LS5039 are well-known X-ray binaries (XRBs) with relativistic jets, detected directly in the VLBI mapping. The radio emission of XRBs is mostly a variable synchrotron radiation from these jets, formed as a mass of ejections from central regions of an accretion disk within an intensive wind of the optical star. The inner shock waves in relativistic jets are the main generator of the relativistic electrons [1]. We have carried out a long-term monitoring of XRBs in almost daily measurements with RATAN-600 at 1.3-30 GHz during the last seven years [2,3]. During 52 orbital periods (P 1 = 26.5 d) we studied the super-orbital modulation (P 2 = 1667 d) of the flaring radio emission from LSI+61 • 303. The mean orbital light curves (usually for ten orbits) depend strongly on a phase P 2 . We detected two giant flares from Cyg X-3 in September 2016 and in April 2017 at 1.3-30 GHz. We discuss the properties of these flares in the paper of the Proceedings of [4].
V404 CygV404 Cygni is a low-mass XRB consisting of a black hole of mass 9.0 M , accreting matter from a low-mass (<1 M ), late-type companion star. The orbital period P 1 = 6.5 d is the longest of all known black hole XRBs. V404 Cyg is the closest microquasar, d = 2.39 kpc [5]. We observed V404 Cyg in June 2015 [6] and have detected the bright flare [7] simultaneously with the huge X-ray flare (40 Crabs at 15-50 keV, [8]) at MJD57198.933 (Figure 1). This flare had the characteristic synchrotron spectrum with a low-frequency turn-over. This is probably due to a synchrotron self-absorption or an absorption due to thermal electrons mixed with the relativistic ones [9]. During four days, the flaring flux decreased with time as a power-law: S ∝ t −1.5 .