China has implemented strong incentives
to promote the market penetration
of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). In this study, we compare the
well-to-wheels (WTW) greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensities of
PEVs with those of gasoline vehicles at the provincial level in the
year 2017 by considering the heterogeneity in the consumption-based
electricity mix and climate impacts on vehicle fuel economy. Results
show a high variation of provincial WTW GHG emission intensities for
battery electric vehicles (BEVs, 22–293 g CO2eq/km)
and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs, 82–298 g CO2eq/km) in contrast to gasoline internal combustion engine
vehicles (ICEVs, 227–245 g CO2eq/km) and gasoline
hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs, 141–164 g CO2eq/km).
Due to the GHG-intensive coal-based electricity and cold weather,
WTW GHG emission intensities of BEVs and PHEVs are higher than those
of gasoline ICEVs in seven and ten northern provinces in China, respectively.
WTW GHG emission intensities of gasoline HEVs, on the other hand,
are lower in 18 and 26 provinces than those of BEVs and PHEVs, respectively.
The analysis suggests that province-specific PEV and electric grid
development policies should be considered for GHG emission reductions
of on-road transportation in China.