“…Guideline elements f Sources Partnerships Establishment of bidirectional partnerships that are collaborative are critical 6 [29,32,41,48,52,57] Short-term trips should be a component of long-term partnerships to mitigate adverse consequences, ensure partnerships do not end abruptly, and to ensure sustainability 5 [28,29,33,41,57] Engage with partners outside of the local hospital, such as public health officials, community health workers, local pharmacies, local NGOs, or local government agencies 11 [28,33,41,46,50,53,[55][56][57][58] Foster coalitions between outreach organizations to streamline care 2 [42,47] Professional development Activities should align with the goals of the public sector, follow local patient protection practices, and meet local quality standards 6 [32,33,36,48,50,56] Do not practice outside of scope, which is especially important when trainees (including students, residents, and fellows) are assisting during the trip 11 [26, 28-30, 33, 36, 39, 43, 50, 53] Follow guidelines for using any expired or reused supplies, leave any equipment necessary for follow-up care or future planned procedures with the local hospital 3 [28,30,32] Have policies in place for the informed consent and media collection process, including obtaining patient consent for any photography and research 5 [28,33,39,42,45] Comm...…”