“…also proposed a version of the original Z-Score to account for different structural characteristics of emerging market firms; e.g. he replaces the market value of assets to16 Examples of papers in macroeconomics that have used Altman's measure includeBernanke and Campbell (1988), Corbae and D'Erasmo (2017), in international economics Agca and Celasun (2010), in financeFazzari, Hubbard, Petersen (1988),Graham, Li, Qui (2008), Van Binsbergen,Graham, Yang (2010),Acharya, Davydenko, Strebulaev (2011), Jacobson and Von Schedvin (2015),Ben-David, Franzoni, Moussawi, Sedunov (2016),De Angelo, Goncalvez, Stulz (2016), Bonaccorsi di Patti, Kashyap…”