Microearthquake spectra from Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad are analyzed to observe the effect of attenuation and site on these spectra. The ratios of spectral amplitudes at lower and higher frequency are measured for three different stations at varying epicentral distances to estimate Q value for both P-and S-wave in near and sub-surface layer. Average estimates of Qp and Qs are 235 and 278 respectively. Value of Qs/Qp larger than 1.0 suggests dry crust for most of the Jubilee Hills region. The near-surface low Qp and Qs for 0 km to 0.9 km depth coincide with the soil layer, top and semi-weathered and highly fractured zone. In contrast, at a shallower depth beneath the Jubilee Hills area, Hyderabad, we obtain high Qp and Qs zone, which corresponds to the dense and high velocity rocks of the region. The varying corner frequencies for these spectra are inferred to be characteristics of site. Comparisons of disparity in spectral content with reference to hard rock site conclude that lithology of the northwest part of Jubilee Hills area amplify about twice the incoming seismic signal, as compared to the southern part best outlined at 8 to 10 Hz only.