Let f : S ′ → S be a finite and faithfully flat morphism of locally noetherian schemes of constant rank n ≥ 2 and let G be a smooth, commutative and quasi-projective S-group scheme with connected fibers. Under certain restrictions on f and G, we relate the kernel of the restriction map Reswhere r ≥ 0, to a quotient of the kernel of the mod n corestriction map Cores (r) G /n : H r (S ′ et , G)/n → H r (Sé t , G)/n. When r = 0 and f is a Galois covering with Galois group ∆, our main theorem relates Ker Res(1) G = H 1 (∆, G(S ′ )) to the subgroup of G(S ′ ) of sections whose (S ′ /S )-norm lies in G(S ) n . Applications are given to the capitulation problem for Néron-Raynaud class groups of tori and Tate-Shafarevich groups of abelian varieties.