Ilari Hänninen, Mikko Pitkonen, Keijo I. Nikoskinen, and Jukka Sarvas, Method of moments analysis of the backscattering properties of a corrugated trihedral corner reflector, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1167-1173, 2006.
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Method of Moments Analysis of the Backscattering Properties of a Corrugated Trihedral Corner ReflectorIlari Hänninen, Mikko Pitkonen, Keijo I. Nikoskinen, Senior Member, IEEE, and Jukka Sarvas, Member, IEEE Abstract-A method of moments (MoM) formulation is developed to analyze the backscattering properties of an anisotropic trihedral corner reflector, which is obtained by corrugating one or several of its interior faces. The proposed formulation treats the corrugated surface as ideally tuned to the incident wave frequency. The numerical analysis of the studied structures has been done using closed-form formulas and accurate numerical integration. The focus of the study reported in this paper has been the polarization responses of ideally tuned corrugated reflectors, which have interesting properties, particularly regarding elliptically or circularly polarized waves. We numerically verify that an appropriately corrugated reflector returns elliptically and circularly polarized waves with the same handedness as the incident wave. For a linearly polarized incident wave, the corner reflector is able to rotate them by 90 . Also the effect of the direction of the corrugation to the backscattering properties is studied.
Index Terms-Corner reflector, electromagnetic scattering, method of moments (MoM), radar cross-section (RCS), soft and hard surface (SHS).
I. INTRODUCTIONT RIHEDRAL corner reflectors are widely used as location markers and calibration targets in radar technology and remote sensing. They have a high backscattering radar cross-section over a wide angular range, they do not require any power to operate, they are mechanically easy to construct, and they can also be operated in difficult conditions. Conventional trihedral corner reflectors, i.e., reflectors made from a perfect electric conductor (PEC) material return linearly polarized incident electromagnetic waves with the same polarization but they reverse the handedness of elliptically and circularly polarized incident waves. Depolarizing trihedral corner reflectors, however, retain...