This paper describes an approach for developing strategic cycle network planning tools. Based on our experience developing and deploying the Cycle Route Uptake and Scenario Estimation (CRUSE) Tool for Ireland, we outline the underlying methods, including disaggregation of origin-destination data, incorporation of additional trip purposes, routing, scenario generation, and development of an intuitive user interface that has been tested and used by practitioners. Commissioned and used by Transport Infrastructure Ireland, CRUSE provides estimates of current and potential future cycling levels under ‘snapshot’ scenarios to inform investment decisions. The publicly available results at enable planners, engineers, and other stakeholders to make more evidence-based decisions. CRUSE goes beyond previous work by: modeling networks at high spatial resolution; simulating multiple trip purposes (social, shopping, personal utility, recreational, and cycle touring) in addition to using official origin-destination data; and providing estimates of ‘quietness’ (a proxy for cyclist comfort and route preference) at the route segment level. Three network types — ‘Fastest’, ‘Balanced’, and ‘Quietest’ — help plan both arterial and residential cycle networks. Workshops and unstructured interviews with stakeholders show that the tool is already being used in practice to inform urban, inter-urban, and rural network planning. The approach is flexible and open-source, allowing the underlying ideas and code to be adapted, supporting effective cycling policies and interventions internationally.