A microwave Fouriertransform spectrometer, developed for rotational Zeeman effect studies is described. Its high resolution capabilities are demonstrated by the analysis of the dense Zeeman multiplets of 2‐fluoropropane. The diagonal elements of the molecular g‐tensor as referred to the principal inertia axes system are obtained as gaa = −0.00794(13), gbb = +0.00722(08), and gcc = −0.01051(11). The two independent molecular magnetic susceptibility anisotropies are obtained as 2χaa ‐ χbb ‐χcc = −2.77(34) · 10−6 erg G−2 mol−1 and 2χbb ‐ χcc ‐ χaa = −5.40(20) · 10−6 erg G−2 mol−1. The observed magnetic susceptibilities are compared with those observed earlier for propane and are discussed successfully within the model of local atom susceptibilities.