In a recent paper [Comm. Algebra, 44(2016) [4724][4725][4726][4727][4728][4729][4730][4731], Das introduced the graph In(V), called subspace inclusion graph on a finite dimensional vector space V, where the vertex set is the collection of nontrivial proper subspaces of V and two vertices are adjacent if one is properly contained in another. Das studied the diameter, girth, clique number, and chromatic number of In(V) when the base field is arbitrary, and he also studied some other properties of In(V) when the base field is finite. In this paper, the automorphisms of In(V) are determined when the base field is finite.Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over a field F of dimension greater than 1. Das in [5] defined the subspace inclusion graph In(V) of V as follows: The vertex set V of In(V) is the collection of nontrivial proper subspaces of V and for W 1 , W 2 ∈ V , W 1 is adjacent to W 2 ,The main results of [5] are as follows:(2) The girth of In(V) is either 3, 6 or ∞;(3) The clique number and the chromatic number of In(V) are both dim(V) − 1.If the base field F is a finite field with q elements, the author obtained the following result about the vertex degrees of In(V), which will be applied in our result. If W is a k-dimensional nontrivial proper subspace of V, then W ⊥ = {α ∈ V : α ⊥ w, ∀w ∈ W }.