Introduction: Baby T, is in the 46th day of his life has a 26-year-old mother who has suffered from about hypotyroid and preeclampsia during her pregnancy was born as a preterm baby when he was in 27 weeks' gestation age by CS. Purpose: This article aimed to introduce the Nursing care plan. In addition to this, parents have blood incompatibility, therefore, such combinations of diseases impacted baby in the uterus and delivery happened earlier than expected date. His birth weight was 820 gr (0% -5% percentile), height 34 cm (10% -25% percentile), head-circumference 24 cm (10% percentile). The following healthcare needs were identified upon assessment; intubation, oxygene and stimulant support, monitorization, taking blood samples. Apical pulse is rapid and irregular within normal range 148 bpm, weight is 1605 gr, body is long, thin, limp with a slight potbelly. Initially suck/swallow reflex was absent/uncoordinated that's why he was taking expressed breastmilk throughout orogastric catheter, it has started also oral giving for the couple of days with the development of sucking and swallowing. Reflexes depend on gestational age; rooting well established by 32 weeks' gestation; coordinated reflexes for sucking, swallowing, and breathing usually established by 32 weeks; first component of Moro's reflex (lateral extension of upper extremities with opening of hands) appears at 28 weeks; second two components (anterior flexion and audiblecry) appear at 32 weeks. Dubowitz examination indicates gestational age between 24 and 37 weeks. Consequently, this infant shows, palmar grasp, plantar grasp, moro reflex; the only response is the opening of the hand due to 27 gestational age.