It is characteristic of both naturally occurring and experimental infections that the affected individuals do not fall ill or die at the same time. If one defines the 'response time' of an individual as the interval between the earliest date on which he could have been exposed to infection (as by eating contaminated food) and the date on which he fell ill, then the distribution of individual response times is always skewed with a long tail to the right. The true distribution has often been taken as log-normal, since probit proportion of responses plotted against logarithm of time since exposure approximates to a straight line (Sartwell, 1950(Sartwell, , 1952Meynell & Meynell, 1958;Meynell, 1963). Sartwell (1966) pointed out that, if the true distribution is indeed log-normal, an unknown date of exposure, aL, can be estimated from the dates of the individual responses by the method of quantiles (Aitchison & Brown, 1963, §6.24). This is so but, owing to the actual distributions observed in practice, the earliest date of exposure can be equally well estimated by another method, and it is shown here that the two estimates necessarily disagree.Assuming first that the true distribution is log-normal, then it is clear from Fig. 1 that, because the plot of the distribution gives a straight line, the log individual response times corresponding to, say, 10 % and 90 % responses are symmetrically placed about the median response time for 50 % responses. However, this will only be so when the earliest date of exposure is correctly chosen for, if this is taken as either before or after the real date, the corresponding plots in Fig. 1 are convex or concave upwards (see Aitchison & Brown, 1963, Fig. 6.3). In general, therefore, if b2 is the calendar date of the median response time and bl, b3 are the dates corresponding to per cent responses, q and 100-q, then the earliest date of exposure, aL, is the solution of the equation log (b27aL)-log (bl-aL) = log (b3-aL)-log (b2--aL), which is readily seen to be aL-blb3-b 2 b, +b3-2b2-The method can be illustrated by experiment 30 of Martin (1946) in which mice 9Hyg. 65, 2