The article describes a clinical case of generalized actinomycosis of the pelvic organs, which occurs very rarely and as a rule in immunocompromised patients. Patient T. came to the women's clinic with complaints of prolonged genital discharge, itching, burning, occasional subfebrileitis. She had a history of prolonged hormonal immunosuppressive therapy. After a thorough examination, the patient was consulted by two oncologists. Preliminary diagnosis: Suspicio cancer coli. Suspicio cancer vaginae. In order to clarify the diagnosis it was decided to perform a multifacial stab biopsy under hospital conditions. The obtained material was sent for an intravital pathological and anatomical examination; no signs of malignancy were found. To prevent complications during surgery, the patient underwent separate diagnostic scraping of the uterine cavity and cervical canal after repeated sanitation of the vagina and additional examination of the patient. Hysteroscopy. Vulval biopsy. Colpocentesis. The final diagnosis was made after the results of culture of microorganisms obtained during the operation on nutrient media. Active growth of actinomycetes was detected in the obtained material. The main clinical diagnosis was pelvic actinomycosis, generalized form. Patient T was discharged in satisfactory condition after antibacterial treatment according to the diagnosis under the observation of a gynecologist at the women's clinic.