S t r o h m e y e r A . T e x t a n d I m a g e i n H a b s b u r g D i p l o m a c yAbout 20 years ago, a historical source which had been neglected for a long period of time, received special attention within historical science: pictures. By now, after the "pictorial turn", the value of pictures as a historical source is generally accepted. Pictures are regarded as a special form of communication that differs, due to its medial peculiarities, from texts [24,42]. They are perceived very quickly, they emotionalize and can convey complex information in fractions of seconds, and however, their message is sometimes vague and not easy to find out. Pictures tell their own stories and their analysis requires specific theories and methods, as the tools for critical analysis have been primarily developed for the analysis of texts and not so much for pictures. However, the juxtaposition of picture and text is not the starting point of this article. Rather, it is assumed, that