For a particular type of k-essence scalar field, the k-essence emergent gravity metric is exactly mapped on to the Barriola-Vilenkin (BV) type metric for Schwarzschild background established by Gangopadhyay and Manna. Based on the S. Chandrasekhar, we report the exciting features of the time-like geodesic structure in the presence of dark energy in an emergent gravity scenario for this Barriola-Vilenkin type metric. We trace the different kinds of trajectories for time-like geodesic in the presence of dark energy for the k-essence emergent Barriola-Vilenkin spacetime, which are same with the Schwarzchild spacetime in view of the basic orientation, but the allowed ranges of the aphelion and perihelion distances are much more different. The bound and unbound orbits are plotted for a fixed value of the dark energy density.
II. REVIEW OF K-ESSENCE THEORY AND EMERGENT GRAVITYIn this section, we present a short review of the kessence theory and construction of the effective emergent metric. The k-essence scalar field φ minimally coupled to the background spacetime metric g µν has action [9]- [13] S k [φ, g µν ] = d 4 x √ −gL(X, φ)