The Open University (OU) is the UK's biggest distance learning institution, with approximately 200,000 students, who live across the UK and, increasingly, in mainland Europe and other parts of the world. In November 2000 the OU Library[1] embarked on Online Personal Academic Librarian (OPAL)[2], an 18month research project to investigate the development of a fully automated online system designed to respond to routine and repeat enquiries from OU distance learners. The aim is to develop a system that is accessible to this global community of distance learners via the Web, 24 hours a day and seven days a week.The OU offers more than 360 courses in arts, modern languages, social sciences, health and social welfare, science, mathematics and computing, technology, business and management, education and law. Degrees are awarded at both the undergraduate and the postgraduate level. The OU method of delivering courses is called``supported open learning'' ± students work essentially on their own at home, with high quality course materials mailed to them. These materials typically include print materials, audiotapes and videotapes, with some courses also being taught online. Every student has support from a tutor (employed part-time by the OU), who provides optional face-to-face group tutorial sessions (once or twice a month) and marks assignments.OU distance learners can access electronic information resources via Open Library[3], the OU's virtual library service available via the Web, and they can get further help and support by either e-mailing or telephoning the library's learner support team during office hours. However, many OU students work full-time or part-time, studying in the evenings and at weekends, and around 50 per cent of enquiries are received outside office hours, while approximately 60 per cent of these enquiries are of a routine and repeat nature. It has also been estimated that around 70 per cent of answers to user enquiries can be found using existing information on the Open Library Web site. As a result, some students may have to wait until Monday morning before receiving a response from the learner support team with an answer to what is