Developing a novel experimental technique, we applied photon correlation spectroscopy using infrared radiation in liquid Sulphur around T λ , i.e. in the temperature range where an abrupt increase in viscosity by four orders of magnitude is observed upon heating within few degrees. This allowed us -overcoming photo-induced and absorption effects at visible wavelengths -to reveal a chain relaxation process with characteristic time in the ms range. These results do rehabilitate the validity of the Maxwell relation in Sulphur from an apparent failure, allowing rationalizing the mechanical and thermodynamic behavior of this system within a viscoelastic scenario. PACS numbers: 62.60.+v,64.70.Ja,62.10.+s, Common wisdom holds that liquids become less viscous as the temperature is raised. On a microscopic ground, indeed, viscosity can be regarded as arising from continual brushing of molecules which are close to each other. On increasing temperatures the more vigorous thermal motion of the molecules is expected to render such mutual friction progressively less effective. This naive description provides a qualitative interpretation of the decrease in viscosity normally observed in almost all substances as the temperature increases. There exist, however, a few remarkable exceptions exhibiting complex behavior, which can be regarded as extreme examples of how critically viscosity depends upon molecular interactions. Specifically, there are ranges of temperatures in which the viscosity of Sulphur exhibits anomalous temperature dependence. In the liquid state, just above melting (T m =119 o C), eight-membered rings (S8) are the most abundant species, and the viscosity slightly decreases with temperature as normally expected, reaching values as low as 0.01 Pa·s at T = 157 o C. Further increase of temperature causes a dramatic increase of viscosity [1], accompanied by gross changes in optical [2,3,4] and thermodynamic [5,6] properties, which, at T ≈185 o C, reaches a maximum value of 100 Pa·s. Beyond this temperature, a gradual viscosity decrease is observed. Although this phenomenon, known as λ-transition (T λ = 159 o C), has been tackled for more than 150 years, its comprehension is still far from being reached: to rationalize this puzzling temperature dependence of viscosity, indeed, a liquid-liquid transition from a monomeric (i.e. a S8 rings liquid) to a polymeric phase has been invoked [7,8]. The temperature dependence of the mass fraction of S atoms participating in the polymeric component turns out to be a central parameter for extracting information on many thermodynamic aspects of the λ-transition [9,10]. This phenomenon has been classified as a living polymerization [11] transition that essentially involves two steps, the initiation (formation of diradicals through opening of S8 rings) and propagation (concatenation of species to form long polymeric chains). Thermo-chemical models were developed in the past [12,13,14] to relate the transport properties of liquid sulphur to the underlying polymerization phenomenon. T...