An alternative to the Gaussian-n ͑G1, G2, and G3͒ composite methods of computing molecular energies is proposed and is named the "correlation consistent composite approach" ͑ccCA, ccCA-CBS-1, ccCA-CBS-2͒. This approach uses the correlation consistent polarized valence ͑cc-pV XZ͒ basis sets. The G2-1 test set of 48 enthalpies of formation ͑⌬H f ͒, 38 adiabatic ionization potentials ͑IPs͒, 25 adiabatic electron affinities ͑EAs͒, and 8 adiabatic proton affinities ͑PAs͒ are computed using this approach, as well as the ⌬H f values of 30 more systems. Equilibrium molecular geometries and vibrational frequencies are obtained using B3LYP density functional theory. When applying the ccCA-CBS method with the cc-pVXZ series of basis sets augmented with diffuse functions, mean absolute deviations within the G2-1 test set compared to experiment are 1.33 kcal mol −1 for ⌬H f , 0.81 kcal mol −1 for IPs, 1.02 kcal mol −1 for EAs, and 1.51 kcal mol −1 for PAs, without including the "high-level correction" ͑HLC͒ contained in the original Gn methods. Whereas the HLC originated in the Gaussian-1 method as an isogyric correction, it evolved into a fitted parameter that minimized the error of the composite methods, eliminating its physical meaning. Recomputing the G1 and G3 enthalpies of formation without the HLC reveals a systematic trend where most ⌬H f values are significantly higher than experimental values. By extrapolating electronic energies to the complete basis set ͑CBS͒ limit and adding G3-like corrections for the core-valence and infinite-order electron correlation effects, ccCA-CBS-2 often underestimates the experimental ⌬H f , especially for larger systems. This is desired as inclusion of relativistic and atomic spin-orbit effects subsequently improves theoretical ⌬H f values to give a 0.81 kcal mol −1 mean absolute deviation with ccCA-CBS-2. The ccCA-CBS method is a viable "black box" method that can be used on systems with at least 10-15 heavy atoms.