(GABAergic) 2 dynorphinergic neuron, which also expresses substance P (SP), and the GABAergic enkephalinergic neuron (4, 5). In fact, results obtained with in vivo techniques indicate that dopamine exerts differential effects on the two types of GABAergic efferent neurons, by acting on stimulatory D 1 receptors localized in the GABAergic SP-dynorphinergic neurons and inhibitory D 2 receptors localized in the GABAergic enkephalinergic neurons (6 -8). However, functional D 1 -like and D 2 -like receptors, as well as significant levels of D 1 and D 2 receptor mRNA expression, were detected in acutely dissociated striatonigral neurons (9). A more detailed and extensive analysis of the mRNA expression of the different receptor subtypes indicated that there is a limited subset of striatal neurons (ϳ15% of all GABAergic efferent neurons) with a mixed phenotype of GABAergic SP-dynorphinergic and GABAergic enkephalinergic neurons, with D 1 and D 2 receptors (10). This co-expression of D 1 and D 2 receptors has been confirmed in neostriatal neurons at the confocal microscopy level (11,12). George and coworkers (12, 13) have also found evidence for D 1 -D 2 receptor heteromerization (by co-immunoprecipitation) and for the generation of a unique pharmacology of the D 1 -D 2 receptor heteromer, with binding to selective ligands