We investigated the activity of ITF2357, a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi) with antitumor activity, on cells carrying the JAK2 V617F mutation obtained from polycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET) patients as well as the HEL cell line. The clonogenic activity of JAK2 V617F mutated cells was inhibited by low concentrations of ITF2357 (IC 50 0.001-0.01 lM), 100-to 250-fold lower than required to inhibit growth of normal or tumor cells lacking this mutation. Under these conditions, ITF2357 allowed a seven fold increase in the outgrowth of unmutated over mutated colonies. By western blotting we showed that in HEL cells, ITF2357 led to the disappearance of total and phosphorylated JAK2 V617F as well as pSTAT5 and pSTAT3, but it did not affect the wild-type JAK2 or STAT proteins in the control K562 cell line. By real-time PCR, we showed that, upon exposure to ITF2357, JAK2 V617F mRNA was not modified in granulocytes from PV patients while the expression of the PRV-1 gene, a known target of JAK2, was rapidly downmodulated. Altogether, the data presented suggest that ITF2357 inhibits proliferation of cells bearing the JAK2 V617F mutation through a specific downmodulation of the JAK2 V617F protein and inhibition of its downstream signaling.