This study focuses on the Plio‐Pleistocene fluvial deposits preserved in the terrace staircases in the south‐eastern Alpine foreland of the Mislinja (MV) and Upper Savinja valleys (USV) in northern Slovenia. The area is located at the north‐eastern margin of the Adria microplate, where neotectonic activity is the prevailing driving force for the terrace formation. The aim of this study is to determine the morphostratigraphy and provenance of the Pliocene to Early Pleistocene gravels using geomorphic and clast lithological analysis. The established morphostratigraphic framework encompasses three terraces in the MV and five terraces in the USV. Due to the lack of age‐relevant data, the morphostratigraphy of the MV and USV is based on the results of geomorphic analysis, clast petrography and data from the literature. Low‐level, middle‐level and high‐level terrace groups were tentatively attributed to the Late and Middle Pleistocene, Early Pleistocene–Pliocene and Pliocene, and compared with the traditional Quaternary stratigraphy of the Alpine foreland. The results of the clast lithological analysis revealed major provenance areas. Moreover, the evolution of long‐term drainage from the Miocene onward was inferred, which suggests that the system reached conformity with the present‐day drainage pattern at the Miocene to Plio‐Pleistocene transition. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.