Through the efforts of Edward H. Ahrens, LDL apheresis became available for the treatment of patients, often with familial hypercholesterolemia, who have no alternative therapy for severely elevated LDL cholesterol levels. In the U.S., the FDA has approved this treatment for individuals on maximum diet and drugs with an LDL cholesterol greater than 300 mg/dL or greater than 200 mg/dL with coronary artery disease. Unlike plasmapheresis, apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins (LDL, Lp(a), and VLDL) are selectively removed by heparin precipitation or columns containing dextran sulfate cellulose or antibodies to apolipoprotein B. The acute lowering of LDL-cholesterol by a typical 2 -3 h treatment is up to 80%, and the time-averaged lowering in the 1 to 2 week interval between treatments is up to 50%, with very few side effects. The lowering of LDL-cholesterol and other cardioprotective effects of LDL apheresis have reduced chest pain, prevented new disability and prolonged life. Whole blood compatible columns in development offer the possibility of simpler and less expensive treatments.