Nos.toch.op'sis. N.L. neut. n.
, a cyanobacterial genus; suff.
, similar to; from Gr. fem. n.
, aspect, appearance; N.L. fem. n.
, similar to
Cyanobacteria / Subsection V / Nostochopsidaceae / Nostochopsis
is a filamentous cyanobacterium with true branching (Subsection. V. in Rippka et al., 1979). The colonies are gelatinous, firm, and internally hollow. Trichomes are uniseriate with lateral T‐branches of two types: with unlimited and limited growth (1–3 cells), the latter with a terminal single‐pore heterocyst. Branch limited to a single cell that differentiates into a lateral heterocyst; intercalary heterocysts are less common.
Type species
Nostochopsis lobatus
Wood ex Bornet and Flahault 1886, as originally described, was accepted and slightly modified by Geitler (1932, p. 475). The species name was corrected for gender by Komárek (2013, p. 546), so that in some sources it is entered as
N. lobata. Nostochopsis lobatus
was collected in freshwater environments of Spain (Moreno et al., 2012), India, (Tiwari, 1978), Thailand (Thiamdao et al., 2012), and Argentina (Cáceres, 1973; Diaga et al., 2014). It was studied both using field‐collected and cultured materials; the growth was found to be modified depending on the culture conditions (Yamaguchi and Koketsu, 2016). The organism produced intercalary and more commonly terminal and lateral heterocysts.