The S' subsite specificity of clostripain from Clostridium histolyticum was investigated by acyl transfer to libraries of amino acid amides, Ala-Xaa dipeptides, proline derivatives and pentapeptides using Nu-benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester as acyl donor. A pentapeptide library consisting of 29 pentapeptides with general structure Xaa-Ala-Ala-Ala-Gly, Ala-Xaa-Ala-Ala-Gly and Ala-Ala-XaaAla-Gly, where Xaa represents Gly, Ala, Pro, Leu, Phe, Asp, Glu, Arg and Lys, was prepared by solid-phase synthesis. The data analysis was performed by HPLC and evaluated by statistical algorithms. The nucleophile efficiency covers a range of more than three orders of magnitude. In the P; position, low specificity for amino acid amides and Xaa-(Ala),-Gly peptides was found, however, in the Pi position, positively charged amino acid residues are strongly preferred. The negatively charged side chains of aspartic acid and glutamic acid in the P: and Pi positions, respectively, show only poor nucleophilic behaviour. In the case of these amino acids, the S'-P' interactions depend significantly on their position of these residues in the peptide chain of the nucleophile. The transfer of aspartic acid and glutamic acid from P; -Pi increases the nucleophile efficiency by approximately two orders of magnitude. The aromatic side chains are not well accepted, especially in the case of PiPhe. Surprisingly, P:Gly leads to effective P'-S' interactions. However, the opposite result was obtained for PiGly. The high efficiency for Gly-NH, does not fit with the hydrophobicity structure/ activity relationships. In most cases, peptide chain elongation does not improve the nucleophile efficiency. The effective interaction of D-Leu-NH, with the S' subsite of clostripain emphasizes the fact that the nucleophile stereospecificity is not restricted to L-amino acids. The results with proline derivatives indicate remarkably different specificities of the S' binding site which can only be explained by conformational restraints. A positive cooperativity between P:Pro and PiGly and a negative cooperativity between Pi Pro and PiPhe was observed. The arrangement of three proline residues next to each other represents a favourable conformation for effective enzyme-nucleophile interactions.The cysteine protease clostripain (Clostridium histolyticum proteinase B) from the culture filtrate of C. histolyticum is well known for its restricted substrate specificity, the cleavage of Arg-Xaa bonds, including proline in the P; position (subsite nomenclature of Schechter and Berger, 1967) (Ogle andTytell, 1953 ;Labouesse and Gros, 1960; Mitchell, 1964). For this reason this enzyme is important both in sequence analysis and in enzymic peptide synthesis, because proline is normally not well accepted in the P: position by the majority of proteases. Furthermore, a precise characterization of clostripain specificity is important if selective inhibitors are to be designed.Although S subsites have been studied in detail (Cole et al., 1971;Porter et al., 1971;Gilles et al., 1979;