A bstract. Nicotinamide nucleotide coenzymes were estimated spectrophotometrically in noninfected barley leaves and leaves infected with Erysiphe graminis var hordei (powdery mildew). Amounts of NADH, NADP+ and NADPH were not altered by infection. In contrast, the NAD+ content rose sharply and at 144 hours was 100 %v greater than in noninfected leaves. The respiratory rate was increased in infected leaves and the pattern of this increase was similar to that of NAD+.The effect of infection on 'the intracellular distribution of NADP+ was examined by fraotionating lyophilized leaves in a nonaqueous medium. In noninfected leaves almost all of the NADP+ was localized in the chloroplasts. In infected leaves where some dhloroplast breakdown occurs, about 60 % of the NADP+ was detected in the nonchloroplast part of the cell. Tihis intracellular redistribution of NADP+ is discussed in relation to the increased pentose-P pathway activity occurring after infection.Changes occur in photosynthesis and respiration in cereal leaves after infection with rtusts (8,17) and powdery mildews (11, 16). Comimencing 2 days after inoculaition of barley leaves with powdery mildew, the rate of photosynthesis failis of'f sharply (16). Accompanying this decline in photosynthesi!s is a marked increase in the rate of respiration (16). Decreased C6:C1 ratios (4, 17) and increased activities of glulcose-6-P dehydrogenase and 6-P-gluconate dehydrogena,se (16) indicate that the activity of the pento-se-P pathway is increased after iftfection.The deciline in photosyn,thesis 'and the respiratory increa,se are 'linked, since neitther respiration nor the activities of the pentose-P pathway de'hydrogenases were increased by in-fecting suisceptible etiolated plants (112,16). Fuirther, experiments on a stusceptible mu'tant producing ehloroplasts only when grown in the light above 130 showed that the characteristic rise in respiration developed after infecting leaves containing chiloroplasts (grown at 150 in the light) but not in infected leaves lacking chIloroipla,sts (grown a't 110 in the light).The respiratory activity of inifected 'leaves may be affecited by changes in amounts of oxidized and reduced nicotinamide coenzyimes. These changes could resuilt from impaired photo'synthesis or even from leakage olf coenzymes from degenerating plastids. The availlability of NA,DP+ is known to limit pentose-P palthway activity in other plant material (1, 2), and an increase in the cytoplasmic concen-