Abstract. Long records of hillslope runoff and nutrients are rare – on seasonally frozen ground they are almost non-existent. The Swift Current hillslopes at the Swift Current Research and Development Centre on the Canadian Prairies provide such a long-term hydrological record. Runoff, runoff nutrient concentration, snowpack, soil moisture, and soil nutrient concentration were monitored on the three 5 ha hillslopes over a 50-year period (1962–2011). Runoff from the hillslopes was generated episodically during snowmelt and occasional rainfall events. Edge-of-field runoff was measured with a 0.61 m H-flume. Daily runoff nutrient concentration data are available for nitrate (March 1971–April 2011), ammonium (February 1996–April 2011), and orthophosphate (March–April 1971; June 1991–April 2011). Snowpack data (snowpack depth, density and water equivalent) were determined via manual snow surveys carried out several times each winter, between January and March, between 1965 and 2011 Gravimetric soil moisture content was measured in October and April each year between 1971 and 2011 at five depth intervals (0–15, 15–30, 30–60, 60–90, and 90–120 cm) at nine points on each hillslope. We summarize these hillslope data in two publically-available repositories: 1) 1962–2011 data on runoff, runoff nutrients, snowpack, soil moisture, soil nutrients, and crop and tillage practices at https://doi.org/10.23684/hhn5-rz52; and 2) digital elevation data at https://doi.org/10.20383/101.011. Complete climate data recorded at a Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorological station located 390 m from the three hillslopes are publically-available at http://climate.weather.gc.ca/.