These notes are based on a mini-course given at CIRM in February 2018 as part of the workshop Winter Braids VIII.We are extremely grateful to Dan Margalit and Andrew Putman, with whom the author collaborated on the work that forms the basis for these lectures. We would like to thank the organizers of the Winter Braids workshop series: Paolo Bellingeri, Vincent Florens, Jean-Baptiste Meilhan, and Emmanuel Wagner. We would also like to thank local organizer Benjamin Audoux, as well as the many participants in Winter Braids VIII who attended these lectures and asked many helpful and clarifying questions. We are also indebted to Joan Birman, Celeste Damiani, Benson Farb, Alan McLeay, and Charalampos Stylianakis for useful discussions and for providing certain references. Finally, we are thankful to the referee, whose thoroughness and thoughtfulness have substantially improved these notes.