When the supply of inorganic carbon is limiting, photosynthetic cyanobacteria excrete nitrite, a toxic intermediate in the ammonia assimilation pathway from nitrate. While it has been hypothesized that the excreted nitrite represents excess nitrogen that could not be further assimilated due to the missing carbon, the underlying molecular mechanism has remained enigmatic. Here, we characterized a hitherto unannotated gene with homologs in the genomes of 485 different cyanobacteria that is upregulated under low carbon conditions and controlled by the transcription factor NtcA, a central regulator of nitrogen homeostasis. To understand its function, we ectopically overexpressed it in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, which resulted in a chlorotic phenotype, delayed growth, severe changes in amino acid pools, and nitrite excretion. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that this protein targets nitrite reductase, a central enzyme in the assimilation of ammonia from nitrate/nitrite, and was re-named to nitrite reductase regulator protein 1 (NirP1). Our results reveal that NirP1 is widely conserved in cyanobacteria and plays a crucial role in the coordination of C/N primary metabolism by targeting one of the central enzymes. In natural environments, the excreted nitrite will be utilized by other microorganisms; therefore, NirP1 ultimately impacts the activities and composition of the surrounding microbiome.