Iron is ubiquitous in metalloproteins, in a wide range of coordination environments. A large and important class of Fe proteins consists of the non-heme Fe proteins, in which Fe is often six-coordinate and generally has two or more endogenous histidine ligands. 1,2 HS 3 Fe(II) (3d 6 , S ) 2) is an important state in nonheme Fe proteins; however, this state is relatively difficult to investigate by EPR, normally a technique of choice for paramagnetic transition metal systems. HS Fe(II) is a non-Kramers (integer spin) ion of typically large zfs, on the order of 5-20 cm -1 . 4,5 The allowed EPR transitions thus generally appear at high frequencies, and/or at high magnetic fields. 6 Among spectroscopic methods generally applied to HS Fe(II) systems, Mössbauer spectroscopy 7,8 and MCD 1,9 are most informative, as are magnetic susceptibility measurements. 10 Far-infrared (FIR) spectroscopy 11 and, more recently, INS 12 have also been employed to detect transitions among the HS Fe(II) quintet-state zero-field levels and consequently provide information on its electronic structure. Another approach is to employ EPR, but at frequencies and fields sufficiently high to observe the allowed transitions. 13 12 The HFEPR results in the latter report were, however, secondary to highly informative INS results. Very few HFEPR transitions were observed, and the S/N ratio of reported EPR spectra was relatively low. 12 We demonstrate here that it is indeed possible to observe multiple HFEPR transitions for HS Fe(II) with high S/N ratio, in this case for a cis-FeN′ 2 N 4 chromophore complex: bis(2,2′-bi-2-thiazoline)-bis(isothiocyanato)iron(II) (1). Complex 1 can be considered as an approximate model for six-coordinate active sites in non-heme Fe proteins, wherein their histidine ligands are represented in 1 by the imino N-donor thiazoline ligands. We show that it is possible by HFEPR to accurately determine spin Hamiltonian parameters in this complex, and relate them to the electronic structure.Complex 1 exists as two polymorphs, A 15-18 and B. 18 It was polymorph A that drew initial attention since it undergoes a temperature-driven spin-crossover transition to a diamagnetic (LS, S ) 0) state. [15][16][17][18] Polymorph B remains paramagnetic (HS, S ) 2) to 4.2 K but is "silent" at conventional EPR frequencies. Crystals of each polymorph can be independently prepared, and their structures have been determined. 18 The structure of polymorph B (1B) is shown in Chart 1. Crystals of 1B were ground to a fine powder for HFEPR experiments. The HFEPR apparatus and the tunable-frequency EPR methodology as employed here have been previously described. 19 We have also performed Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements at 77 and 293 K, and DC SQUID magnetometry between 1.8 and 293 K for 1B. Figure 1 shows typical HFEPR spectra of 1B using two different modulation techniques: chopping the sub-THz wave beam, which results in an absorptive shape (black trace), and standard modulation of magnetic field (blue trace). The red trace is a derivative simulat...