We characterize smooth curves in P 3 whose blow-up produces a threefold with anticanonical divisor big and nef.These are curves C of degree d and genus g lying on a smooth quartic, such that (i) 4d − 30 g 14 or (g, d) = (19, 12), (ii) there is no 5-secant line, 9-secant conic nor 13-secant twisted cubic to C. This generalizes the classical similar situation for the blow-up of points in P 2 .We describe then Sarkisov links constructed from these blow-ups, and are able to prove the existence of Sarkisov links which were previously only known as numerical possibilities.We obtain in fact a more precise result, which is our main theorem below. Here, we denote by H S g,d the Hilbert scheme of smooth irreducible curves of genus g and degree d in P 3 . We always work over the base field C of complex numbers.Theorem 1.1 (see Table 1). Let C ∈ H S g,d be a curve of genus g and degree d. We denote by X the blow-up of P 3 along C and by −K X its anticanonical divisor. Consider the sets A 0These pairs form a partition of all (g, d) corresponding to non-empty H S g,d with 4d − 30 g 14 or (g, d) = (19, 12), and we have the following characterizations. or (g, d) ∈ A 2 and there is no 4-secant line to C;(ii) The variety X is weak Fano, that is, −K X is big and nef., if and only if one of the following condition holds:and there is no 4-secant line to C; (c) (g, d) ∈ A 3 , there is no 5-secant line to C, and C is contained in a smooth quartic; (d) (g, d) ∈ A 4 , there is no 5-secant line, 9-secant conic, nor 13-secant twisted cubic to C, and C is contained in a smooth quartic. Moreover, Condition (i) corresponds to a non-empty open subset of H S g,d if (g, d) ∈ A 2 , and Condition (ii) corresponds to a non-empty open subset of H S g,d if (g, d) ∈ A 3 ∪ A 4 . Furthermore, for a general curve in these sets, there are finitely many irreducible curves intersecting trivially K X , except for (g, d) ∈