The pharmacological kindling with corazol was used as a model of chronic cerebral epileptization. In contrast to sham-operated rats or rats with unilateral occlusion of the common carotid arteries, bilateral occlusion of these vessels moderated acute seizures provoked by a single administration of the convulsant corazol and abated the enhanced cerebral seizure readiness induced by its repeated administration.Key Words: epileptogenesis; pharmacological kindling; enhanced cerebral seizure readiness; acute convulsions; cerebral ischemia Epilepsy and cerebral ischemia are the manifestations of pathological condition in the central nervous system. The problem of their interference is of great theoretical and practical interest. Our aim was to study the role of cerebral ischemia in epileptogenesis and, in particular, the effect of ischemia caused by uni-and bilateral occlusion of common carotid arteries (CCA) on acute convulsions and chronic epileptogenesis characterized by enhanced cerebral seizure readiness (pharmacological kindling).
MATERIALS AND METHODSExperiments were carried out on 200 male Wistar rats (initial body weight 270-300 g). The animals were maintained under vivarium conditions on the standard diet. Cerebral ischemia was produced by occlusion of the left or both CCA under hexenal anesthesia (150 mg/kg intraperitoneally). The control group consisted of sham-operated rats.In the first series of experiments we studied the effect of cerebral ischemia of various severity on acute convulsions provoked by intraperitoneal adLaboratory of Biochemistry, Laboratory of General Pathology of the Nervous System, Institute of General Pathology and Pathological Physiology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow ministration of corazol in the doses of 40 and 65 mg/kg. The second series related to the effect of cerebral ischemia on the development of enhanced cerebral seizure readiness elicited by diurnal intraperitoneal administration of corazol in a subconvulsive dose of 25-35 mg/kg for 30-70 days (the model of corazol-induced kindling). This intervention produced a gradual increase in cerebral seizure readiness to the action of the convulsant, which was manifested in the fact that seizures in the treated rats were elicited by subconvulsive doses of corazol, while the severity of these seizures increased during the treatment and cuhninated in a generalized clonic-tonic seizure. Rats with a similar corazol sensitivity were sorted out after a single administration of corazol in the minimal effective dose [2]. In both series corazol was administered one week after uni-or bilateral CCA occlusion.The severity of corazol-produced convulsive response during kindling was evaluated daily using a scoring system in which score 1 was assigned to momentary shuddering and nodding; score 2 to discrete clonic convulsions of the whole body; score 3 to a series of clonic convulsions of the whole body or to clonus of the forelimbs; score 4 to tonic-clonic convulsions with rearing up on the hind legs ("kangaroo" posture); and, score ...