The cytochromc oxidasc (CO), aminopcptidasc (AMP), succinic dchydrogcnasc (SD), acid phosphatasc, cstcrasc, and alkaline phosphatasc of rabbit mononuclcar (MN) and polymorphonuclcar (PMN) peritoneal cxudatc cells and pulmonary alveolar macrophagcs (AM) -air dried on Mylar strips-were characterized by histochcmical techniques with respect to stability, activators, inhibitors, and pH optima. A granule count method was established for the quantitation of these cnzymcs. For the acid phosphatasc of MN, in which the most precise results wcrc obtained, time, pH, substratc, and inhibitor curves resembled those commonly obtained biochcmically. Five of these enzymes wcrc usually more active in AM than MN, whereas the sixth, alkaline phosphatasc, was not present in cithcr cell type. AM also tended to consume more oxygen than MN and to divide more frequently. Since the most active cells in thc population would bc first involved in the host's defense against microbial agents, a comparison was made of the 10 per cent of the AM and MN with the highest enzymatic activities. No differences wcrc found in the granule counts that wcrc not reflected by the means. However, within a given AM population, cells containing ingested dust particles sccmcd to have higher enzymatic activities than those without particles. MN had greater acid phosphatasc and SD activities than PMN and consumcd more oxygen, but the CO, AMP, and cstcrasc activitcs of both types of cells wcrc of similar magnitude. PMN showed high alkaline phosphatasc activity; MN showed none. A survcy of the histochcmical litcraturc indicates that a positive correlation between the enzymatic and phagocytic activities of both MN and PMN exists in vivo.Mononuclear phagocytes (MN) 1 are essential components of the reticuloendothelial system--the chief defense of the host against many micro organisms and their products. Similar functions i The abbreviations used in this report are as follows : MN, mononuclear(s), or mononuclear peritoneal exudate cells; PMN, polymorphonuclear(s) or polymorphonuclear peritoneal exudate cells; AM, are served by polymorphonuclears (PMN) in the blood and in areas of inflammation, and by alveolar macrophages (AM) in the lung. The present report (a) characterizes six enzymes of rabbit MN alveolar macrophage(s) of the lung; ip, intraperitoneal; CO, cytochrome oxidase; AMP, aminopeptidase; SD,succinic dehydrogenase; Tris, tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane.