“…Consistent with the premise that BCLU is not used uniformly, the proportion of BCLU with MYC rearrangements varies widely in the literature from 33% to 91% (or "most"), with 78% reported in one study to be DHL. 4,24,38,39 Compared with DLBCL, BCLU has more MYC-R, but fewer BCL6-R, and, compared with BL, fewer MYC-R and more BCL6-R and BCL2-R. Consistent with this finding, the intermediate group of lymphomas between BL and DLBCL identified by GEP is reported to have Identify blastoid and pleomorphic mantle cell lymphomas Identify CD5ϩ DLBCL, a recognized immunophenotypic variant Aid in distinction from Burkitt lymphoma, exclude plasmablastic lymphoma, assist in distinction of other types of large B-cell lymphomas In situ hybridization for Epstein-Barr virus at least in cases that have some polymorphism and patient is Ͼ 50 years old (rule out EBVϩ DLBCL of the elderly) In the absence of classical cytogenetic studies, cytogenetic FISH studies to identify MYC, BCL2 and BCL6 rearrangements at least in a subset of cases more likely to have a positive yield † such as: All DLBCL with a GC phenotype plus cases of BCLU and/or a combination of the following with any positive finding being followed up with FISH studies (the more parameters selected the more cases tested and the fewer cases missed, none are 100% sensitive) MYC Ͼ40% (some recommend Ͼ20%) Ki-67 Ͼ80% (a poor criterion used in isolation) BCL2 strongly positive (will miss most BCL6 DHL, may require use of Ͼ1 BCL2 antibody) MYCϾ40% and BCL2 Ͼ50% ("DE" cases, see comments re MYC and BCL2 above) Histopathology suggests BCLU If MYC rearrangement is identified, demonstration of translocation partner has been shown to be of importance in limited studies (IGH// versus non-immunoglobulin partner) but would be considered more optional at the current time.…”