Several studies strongly suggest that DC differentiated in vitro in the presence of type I IFN acquire more potent immune stimulatory properties, compared with DC differentiated in vitro with IL-4. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. To address this question, we compared the Ag-processing machinery (APM) profile in human DC grown in the presence of IFN-a ( IFN DC) or IL-4 ( IL-4 DC). Using a panel of APM component-specific mAb in Western blot experiments, we found that IFN DC preferentially express inducible proteasome subunits (LMP2, LMP7, and MECL1) both at immature and mature stages. In contrast, immature IL-4 DC co-express both constitutive (b1, b2, and b5) and inducible subunits, as shown by Western blotting analysis. In addition, immature IFN DC express higher levels of TAP1, TAP2, calnexin, calreticulin, tapasin, and HLA class I molecules than IL-4 DC. The different proteasome profiles of IFN DC and IL-4 DC were associated with a greater ability of IFN DC to present an immunodominant epitope that requires LMP7 expression for its processing. In general, these data show the impact of cytokines on APM component expression and hence the Ag-processing ability of DC.Key words: Antibodies . Antigen processing . Cytokines . Human DC Introduction DC play a key role as APC in the initiation of specific immune responses [1,2]. In recent years, attention has been focused on the possibility that tissue microenvironment could markedly influence the phenotype and functional characteristics of DC, thus shaping the immunological effector mechanisms from the first steps of the immune response. For this reason, understanding the effect on DC maturation exerted by cytokines, known to be released in the peripheral tissue, is a crucial issue in immunology. Changes associated with DC maturation include upregulation of MHC and co-stimulatory molecule expression, and a progressive change in Ag-processing machinery (APM) component expression [3][4][5]. The proteasome is a central element of APM; it
56may be expressed in two forms, constitutive and inducible (also called immunoproteasome), endowed with different protein cleavage specificities [6,7]. The constitutive proteasome is a four-ring structure; the outer rings contain seven non-catalytic a-type subunits, whereas the inner rings contain seven b-type subunits, three of which are catalytic (delta/b1, Z/b2, and X/b5). The immunoproteasome contains alternative forms of the catalytic subunits (LMP2, MECL1, and LMP7), that replace the corresponding constitutive homologs b1, b2, and b5 [8][9][10].Differences in the protein cleavage patterns between the constitutive proteasome and the immunoproteasome have been demonstrated, and the spectrum of antigenic peptides produced by a cell may eventually vary under different physiological and pathological stimuli [11]. Most importantly, it has been found that a number of antigenic peptides, mainly derived from selfproteins, are not processed efficiently by the immunoproteasome [7,12]; they in...